Results for 'Dr K. D. Raju'

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  1.  17
    A Study of Lipid Profile and Lipid Peroxidation in Chronic Kidney Disease with Special Reference to Hemodialysis.D. S. S. K. Raju - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (1).
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    Commentary on Ethics of HIV testing in general practice without informed consent: a case series.D. K. Sokol - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (12):701-702.
    Case 1 reminds us that patients have duties too, while case 2 presents an instance of justified withholding of informationHow refreshing to read these two cases! No conjoined twins, fantastical chimeras, or other incredible scenarios at the fringes of medical reality. Each case highlights the practical and theoretical difficulties that doctors face in their everyday practice.Case 1: In case 1, the patient, who had declined an HIV test, changed his mind and requested an HIV test on the request form without (...)
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    In memoriam prof. Dr. K.j. Popma.J. D. Dengerink - 1986 - Philosophia Reformata 51 (1-2):3-4.
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    The Socio-Economic Challenges Faced by Church of God-Kenya in Poverty Alleviation in Emuhaya District, Western Kenya.Obwoge Hezekiah, D. R. R. Onkware & Dr C. Iteyo - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 1 (2):25-47.
    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the socio-economic challenges faced by CoG-Kenya in poverty alleviation in Emuhaya District, Western Kenya.Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional research that sought to give an examining and descriptive scrutiny of the CoG-K’s activities in Emuhaya District of Western Kenya. This study sampled a total of 312 respondents (1 Bishop, 1 General Secretary, 1 General Assembly Trustee, 1 General Assembly Treasurer, 16 Directors, 282 Pastors, and 10 Elders) through purposive sampling method. Oral (...)
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  5. The not-so-sweet science: the role of the medical profession in boxing.D. K. Sokol - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):513-514.
    The medical profession’s role should be limited to advice and informationThe medical establishment’s desire to interfere with the autonomous wishes of boxers seems at odds with the principle of respect for autonomy prevalent in contemporary biomedical practice. I argue that the role of the medical profession in boxing should be solely an advisory and informational one. In addition, the distinctions made between boxing and other high risk sports often rely on an insufficient knowledge of the sport. This leads to misdirected (...)
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    Ethics and Sustainability in Accounting and Finance, Volume I.Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt (ed.) - 2019 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses recent developments relating to ethical and sustainable issues in accounting and finance. Accounting is often seen as a technical discipline that records, classifies and reports financial transactions. However, since the financial information produced concerns all interest groups both within and outside the enterprise, accounting also has social characteristics and involves multi-faceted duties and responsibilities. As such, in addition to basic principles and accepted rules and standards in the field, this book focuses on the ethical aspects and fundamentals (...)
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  7. Dini Epistemoloji Nedir?Musa Yanık - 2022 - İstanbul, Türkiye: Düşün Yayıncılık.
    Dini epistemoloji, teistik inançların rasyonel zeminde gerekçelendirilme yollarını arayan, çağdaş epistemolojinin bir alt dalıdır. Musa Yanık, bu kitapta günümüzdeki en güçlü yaklaşım olan reform epistemolojisinden güvenilircilik bakış açısıyla yani “daha yüksek bir olasılıkla doğru olması yönünden” İslam inancının rasyonelliğini ortaya koymakta ve uygulamalı dini epistemolojinin sağlam ve cesur bir örneğini sergilemektedir. (Prof. Dr. Hasan Yücel Başdemir) -/- Epistemoloji topyekûn insan zihnini biçimlendirme ve inanç da dahil olmak üzere bilişsel faaliyetleri yönlendirme potansiyeline sahip bir alandır. Zira Allah’ın varlığı, birliği, nübüvvet ve (...)
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  8. Translation of Phillip Melanchthon's Oration on the Praise of the Scholastic Life.D. P. Fahrenthold - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.), The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
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    On the Entropy of Schwarzschild Space-Time.M. D. Pollock - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):615-630.
    In a previous paper by Pollock and Singh, it was proven that the total entropy of de Sitter space-time is equal to zero in the spatially flat case K=0. This result derives from the fundamental property of classical thermodynamics that temperature and volume are not necessarily independent variables in curved space-time, and can be shown to hold for all three spatial curvatures K=0,±1. Here, we extend this approach to Schwarzschild space-time, by constructing a non-vacuum interior space with line element ds (...)
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  10. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  11. Biotic Scale to Sign and Symbol: Concept of Vira in Jaina-Saiva Cults: A Comparative Study.Dr K. Satya Murty - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam (eds.), Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 276.
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  12. A medievalist's journey through science and faith.Adam D. Jones - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.), The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
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    Eine religiöse Jugendentwicklung.Dr K. Needon - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (2):197-200.
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  14. Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt against the Italian Renaissance. By Harry Berger, Jr.K. D. White - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):710-710.
  15. Philosophical Critique of Bioethics: Introduction to the Issue.K. D. Clouser & L. M. Kopelman - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (2):121-124.
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    (3 other versions)Historical Dictionary of Philosophy.K. -D. Grothusen - 1971 - Philosophy and History 4 (2):127-127.
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  17. If causation is not correlation, what is it? A review of Daniel M. Hausman's Causal Asymmetries.K. D. Hoover - 2002 - Journal of Economic Methodology 9 (2):235-240.
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  18. Body & Mind: Past, Present And Future.K. D. Irani - 1980 - New York: Academic Press.
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  19. Introduction: Modes of Rationality.K. D. Irani - 1986 - In Martin Tamny & K. D. Irani (eds.), Rationality in thought and action. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 29.
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  20. Conceptual changes in problem of mind-body relation.K. D. Irani - 1980 - In Body & Mind: Past, Present And Future. New York: Academic Press.
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  21. Negotiated measures - the institutional micropolitics of official criminal justice statistics.D. K. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (4):705-722.
    This paper examines some of the background social and institutional practices involved in the production of official statistics about crime and criminal justice. It documents how a host of micropolitical considerations impinge on what studies are conducted, which agencies control official data, and how measures are standardized. The communication of statistical facts is also shown to be influenced by a concern to prospectively manage the political symbolism of popular accounts about crime and criminal justice statistics.
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  22. A Critique of Principlism.K. D. Clouser & B. Gert - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (2):219-236.
    The authors use the term “principlism” to refer to the practice of using “principles” to replace both moral theory and particular moral rules and ideals in dealing with the moral problems that arise in medical practice. The authors argue that these “principles” do not function as claimed, and that their use is misleading both practically and theoretically. The “principles” are in fact not guides to action, but rather they are merely names for a collection of sometimes superficially related matters for (...)
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    Concept of truth in science and religion.K. D. Gangrade - 2005 - New Delhi: Concept Pub. Co.. Edited by L. S. Kothari & Ajit Ram Verma.
    Based on the writings of D.S. Kothari; includes his brief biographical sketch and review of his four books.
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  24. Silver jubilee souvenir: Academy of Comparative Philosophy & Religion, Belgaum.K. D. Sangoram & M. S. Deshpande (eds.) - 1978 - Belgaum: The Academy.
    v. 1. Pillars of Sri Gurudeva's sampradaya and Heart-homages to Sri Gurudev.--v. 2. Shri Gurudeva's philosophy of God-realisation.
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    Swiadomosc ekologiczna mlodziezy w spoleczenstwie postmodernistycznym.K. D. Szulborski - 2001 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski W Olsztynie 7:137-148.
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    The effects on menstruation of elective tubal sterilization: a prospective controlled study.K. D. Bledin, J. E. Cooper, B. Brice & S. Mackenzie - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (1):19-30.
    SummaryAs part of a prospective controlled study of the psychosomatic effects of elective tubal sterilization, 138 women were questioned about their menstrual functioning before sterilization, and again 6 months and 12 months post-operatively, using standardized interviewing procedures. Adverse changes, including increased menstrual loss, shorter menstrual cycles and greater use of pads or tampons were reported by sterilized subjects at both of the post-operative interviews. Control subjects reported several comparable effects, although adverse changes overall were reported more commonly by sterilized women (...)
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    What can psychologists learn from hidden-unit nets?K. Lamberts & G. D'Ydewalle - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):499-500.
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    Spontaneous-dialectical Aspects in Ancient Indian Philosophy.K. D. Kanev - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (3-4):219-228.
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    Literature and Medical Ethics.K. D. Clouser & A. H. Hawkins - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (3):237-241.
    The essays in this Journal issue offer examples of how textual analysis, literary theory, and the reading and writing of literature can contribute to an understanding of ethical issues in medicine. The editors' purpose in such an issue is to stimulate discussion between philosopher-ethicists and literary scholars whose work concerns this topic. With the concluding essays by editors Clouser and Hawkins, this discussion begins.
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  30. A Laboratory Study of Different Corrective Advertising Claims.K. D. Hankel & M. R. Hyman - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
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  31. Ökopark am Rangierbahnhof Nord, München.K. D. Neumann - 1996 - Topos 17 (1996):78.
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    The Contribution of the Church of God-Kenya Teachings to People’s Participation in Poverty Alleviation in Emuhaya District, Western Kenya.Obwoge Hezekiah, Dr K. Onkware & Dr C. Iteyo - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 1 (1):16-36.
    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the contribution of the CoG-K teachings to people’s participation in poverty alleviation in Emuhaya District, Western KenyaMethodology: This study was a cross-sectional research that sought to give an examining and descriptive scrutiny of the CoG-K’s activities in Emuhaya District of Western Kenya. This study sampled a total of 312 respondents (1 Bishop, 1 General Secretary, 1 General Assembly Trustee, 1 General Assembly Treasurer, 16 Directors, 282 Pastors, and 10 Elders) through purposive (...)
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    Die Kerkhervorming in Hongarye.K. D. Papp - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (4).
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  34. Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an Integration of Micro- and Macrosociologies.K. D. Knorr-Cetina & A. V. Cicourel - 1984 - Erkenntnis 21 (3):439-450.
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    The Age, Ancestry, and Career of Gordian I.K. D. Grasby - 1975 - Classical Quarterly 25 (01):123-.
    In the Severan period the proconsulship of Africa or Asia was normally held some 15 to 17 years after die consulship. Although there are comparatively few consuls in this period whose ages can be firmly established, what evidencethere is suggests that the consulship was normally held in the early forties, on occasions as early as the mid thirties: a consularis could, therefore, hope to attain a premier proconsulship aged about 60. Thus the future emperor P.Helvius Pertinax, who was born on (...)
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    Philosophy, Literature, and Ethics: Let the Engagement Begin.K. D. Clouser - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (3):321-340.
    The goal is to isolate points of philosophical interest in the preceding articles on narrative medical ethics in order to focus subsequent dialogue between the two disciplines. Ethics is an enterprise that has over the centuries developed a somewhat malleable structure, comprising characteristics, methods, lines of reasoning, rules, principles, assumptions, and arguments. This structure provides the framework within which many disciplines contribute to ethics through the exercise of their particular interests, skills, and methods. Challenging or changing the structural components requires (...)
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  37.  22
    Eender en anders, Correspondentie tussen K. Schilder en D.H.Th. Vollenhoven. Uitgegeven en geannoteerd door dr. W.G. de Vries, met een verantwoording door ds. H. Vollenhoven en dr. W.G. de Vries. Uitgeversmaatschappij J.H. Kok, Kampen, 1992. [REVIEW]J. Goudzwaard - 1993 - Philosophia Reformata 58 (1):86-87.
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  38. Ethical reasoning strategies and their relation to case-based instruction: Some preliminary results.K. D. Ashley & M. W. Keefer - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 483--488.
  39. The Case for Social Rights.K. D. Ewing - 2003 - In Tom Campbell, Jeffrey Denys Goldsworthy & Adrienne Sarah Ackary Stone (eds.), Protecting Human Rights: Instruments and Institutions. Oxford University Press. pp. 323.
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    Stirring in 3-d spherical models of convection in the Earth's mantle.K. -D. Gottschaldt, U. Walzer, R. F. Hendel, D. R. Stegman, J. R. Baumgardner & H. -B. Mühlhaus - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (21-22):3175-3204.
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    Social justice in the ancient world.K. D. Irani & Morris Silver (eds.) - 1995 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This edited collection focuses on the problem of social justice, or, more particularly, how the demand for social justice was articulated and implemented in ...
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  42. Designing vignette studies in marketing.K. D. Wason, M. J. Polonsky & M. R. Hyman - 2002 - Australasian Marketing Journal 10 (3):41--58.
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    Rationality in thought and action.Martin Tamny & K. D. Irani (eds.) - 1986 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    This collection of original essays examines the controversy over and attacks on rationality in the methodologies of the humanities and the physical and social sciences. These essays represent the thinking of a wide variety of philosophers, psychologists, historians, classicists, and economists about the role of rationality in thought and action. Reflecting the differing perspectives of their authors' disciplines, as well as the centrality of rationality to those disciplines, they are important additions to a debate that has been going on for (...)
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    Yugoslavia. A multinational state between East and West. [REVIEW]K. -D. Grothusen - 1972 - Philosophy and History 5 (1):96-97.
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    Authorship patterns in psychology: National and international trends.K. D. White, L. Dalgleish & G. Arnold - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (4):190-192.
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    Horses and Cattle.K. D. White - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):332-.
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    An Integrative Theory of Prefrontal Cortex Function.Earl K. Miller & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2001 - Annual Review of Neuroscience 24 (1):167-202.
    The prefrontal cortex has long been suspected to play an important role in cognitive control, in the ability to orchestrate thought and action in accordance with internal goals. Its neural basis, however, has remained a mystery. Here, we propose that cognitive control stems from the active maintenance of patterns of activity in the prefrontal cortex that represent goals and the means to achieve them. They provide bias signals to other brain structures whose net effect is to guide the flow of (...)
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    Rationality and Medicine: Introduction to the Theme.K. D. Clouser & B. Gert - 1986 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 11 (2):119-121.
  49. Biblical Zoar: the looting of an ancient site.K. D. Politis - 1994 - Minerva 5 (6):12-15.
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  50.  65
    Ist terminale Sedierung medizinisch sinnvoll oder ersetzbar?Dr med D. Beck - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):334-341.
    ZusammenfassungDie von einem multiprofessionellen Behandlungsteam durchgeführte Symptombehandlung bei inkurablen Patienten am Lebensende erweist sich als hoch effektiv und verschafft den meisten Patienten eine ausreichende Linderung. Dennoch verbleibt ein Patientenanteil, bei dem auch unter Berücksichtigung physischer, psychischer, sozialer und spiritueller Bedürfnisse kein erträglicher Zustand erreicht werden kann. In diesen Extremfällen können Sedierungsmaßnahmen zur Linderung eingesetzt werden. Der Begriff und das Angebot der terminalen Sedierung sind in vielerlei Hinsicht umstritten. Eine Kasuistik soll die Problemstellung veranschaulichen und zeigen, wie die terminale Sedierung von (...)
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